Custom Specitag / Desctag Specifications


  • Your tag can be a maximum of 14 pixels high, and 40 pixels wide. Tags that are too large will not upload.
  • Specitags must be legacy 8-bit color. 32-bit is not supported.
  • The image can use any colors you wish, up to a maximum of 256 colors.
  • Custom Specitags can also use Remapping colors, like a Furcadia Portrait. The tag will remap to your Character's colors in-game.
  • For more information on remapping colors, see Furcadia's guide on this page.
  • For optimal results, please use a 8bit (256 color) image saved as PNG.
  • All tags will need to be approved by Furcadia's team before they will activate in-game.
  • Want a transparent background? The color black (RGB 0,0,0) will appear 'transparent' in-game automatically. (Suggested "black": RGB 23,19,19)

All uploaded tags are subject to approval and will not appear on your character immediately. Furcadia staff rates tags at the Teen+ standard, and they must not show graphically violent or adult imagery. For more information on Furcadia's rating standards, please see this page. If you need to clear your Custom Specitag space to make any changes, please do so within 7 days of the initial upload by submitting a ticket to Furcadia support.

While this page reproduces some content from the official Furcadia site (that is normally inaccessible unless uploading a tag), this page is in no way related to Furcadia or Dragon's Eye Productions. This page is soley intended for informational and archival purposes.